
Telemedicine: a growing force for patients and healthcare organizations alike. How is your practice adjusting?

Telemedicine: a growing force for patients and healthcare organizations alike. How is your practice adjusting?

With the current pandemic, medical practices are scrambling to update the way they provide care to keep both their employees and patients safe from COVID-19.  One of the most prevalent trends taking place is the movement towards telemedicine.  If your practice can utilize this technology, it’d be wise to incorporate this information into your healthcare marketing strategy.  At Prescription PR, our team can help you do just that.  Continue reading to learn more about the growing presence of telemedicine and how it can be utilized to benefit your practice.

What Is Telemedicine?

While mainstream coverage of telemedicine has just now hit a fever pitch, this service has been offered by healthcare providers since the 1950s.  It allows patients to seek medical care without needing to leave the comfort of their own homes. When it comes to telemedicine, there are three common types which are listed below:

  • Interactive medicine.
  • Remote patient monitoring.
  • Store and forward.

The Benefits 

Our team at Prescription PR wants to stress that telemedicine can bring many benefits to both patients and practices.  That is why it is so vital to work this service into your healthcare marketing plan.  A few examples of the benefits this service can bring include the following:

  • Allow contagious patients to receive care without putting practitioners at risk.
  • Offer a level of convenience traditional visits are unable to provide.
  • It can be a more cost-effective form of care.
  • Demonstrating the commitment your practice has for patient care.

Telemedicine And Healthcare Marketing 

Do you currently have the capability to, or making the adjustments needed to be able to utilize telemedicine?  If so, this is something that would be of much interest to your current or future patients.  To get this message across, you’ll need the help of expert marketers to seamlessly weave this into your marketing efforts.  Our team at Prescription PR can do just that.  

Even if you don’t see your practice gaining access to this technology in the foreseeable future, there a bound to be other enticing aspects of your practice we’d be happy to promote. With our help, you can ensure your practice won’t suffer due to any competitor advancements.

Contact Us

Especially during these times, your sole focus should be on providing patients with the quality and compassionate care they need.  While you do that, Prescription PR will use our expertise in healthcare marketing to drive traffic to your practice.  For a free marketing consultation to learn how our services can be used to your benefit, don’t hesitate to contact us today.

Your practice. Our passion.