
Schema Markup for Local SEO

Schema Markup for Local SEO

What is Schema Markup?

Schema Markup is a type of microdata – in other words, it is an enhanced way of describing and tagging content or data on a webpage. The purpose of this microdata is to make it easier for web crawlers to index information on a website and understand the context of what’s happening on the page.

While it does not directly impact search engine ranking, it assists with indexing of organic search results and improves click-through rates. A study by Searchmetrics found that content that utilizes schema markup for local SEO ranks, on average, four positions higher than content without microdata. SEO rankings are highly competitive – meaning that microdata is essential to any SEO strategy.

What does Schema Markup Look Like?

Schema markup gives a searcher the information they want without ever having to leave the search results page. It provides information such as ratings, product prices, services and more.

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Why is Schema Markup for Local SEO Important?

If you’ve used Google lately, you’ve probably seen results like the ones in the image below. These results, known as rich results, is how Google sorts and categorizes search result information. The catch: it uses rich data such as schema markup to show these results.

This highlights the importance of using schema markup for your business. As Google continues to add features like rich results, it makes it even more imperative that your SEO strategy includes schema markup. When a potential patient searches “best doctor on your town” – you want your microdata to tell Google that your website is an appropriate search result, and rank it in a rich result.

The Bottom Line

Rich results is not going away, so it’s important that your SEO strategy includes using schema markup for local SEO to improve your search engine rankings. Using a marketing company such as Prescription PR can help you take your medical practice to the next level by creating an SEO strategy that not only improves your search ranking, but that enhances the likelihood that potential patients will click through to your website and book that first appointment.

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