
Voice Search Marketing

Voice Search Marketing

What is voice search?

In today’s world, everyone uses voice search. With voice recognition technology like Alexa or Siri, we are able to get any information we want at any time. All we have to do is ask our computers, phones, or home assistants a question and they’ll respond with the answer. With voice search on the rise, it’s important to take note by incorporating the concept into your digital marketing strategy. As a company that specializes in doctor marketing, Prescription PR is the perfect choice when it comes to optimizing your content for voice search marketing. With extensive knowledge of digital marketing and the healthcare industry, we’ll provide services that’ll help your practice become recognizable through voice search.

Why do people use voice command for searching?

It’s important to understand why people gravitate towards using voice command for search purposes. When looking to incorporate voice search into your doctor marketing plans, keep in mind the reasons people actually use this technology in the first place:

  • It’s great for multitaskers
  • It allows you to get the answers or information you need quickly
  • It allows you to be using more than one device at once
  • Provides ease during daily routines

How to write voice-search friendly content:

So you may now be wondering, how do I tailor my content to voice search? Well, we have a few tips for people looking to make their marketing strategy voice search friendly.

  • Make your focus phrases and long-tail keywords.
    • When writing content for voice search we need to recognize that we talk differently than how we type.
  • Try to foresee certain questions that may be asked in a conversational manner.
    • Specific questions lead to accurate results.
  • Use Local SEO to optimize your website
    • Voice search is more likely to be searching locally, so it’s important to have all your contact information up to date.

As experts in doctor marketing, Prescription PR is eager to help clients optimize their online presence for voice search marketing. With a variety of services to help craft the perfect marketing strategy for each client, we’ll be able to keep your practice up to date with the latest voice recognition technology. For more information on Prescription PR and our services, contact us through our website.

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