
What is SEO, SEM, and SMM?

What is SEO, SEM, and SMM?

The digital marketing landscape is as exciting as it is complex. Medical practices are using digital marketing strategies to grow their online presence and attract new patients. As a practice, your primary concern is providing quality healthcare to every patient that walks through the door. At Prescription PR, we offer medical website development to help you get your practice on the map. One of the most significant barriers in the digital marketing industry for those outside of this industry is digital marketing terminology. Our team would like to delve into the meaning of the acronyms SEO, SEM, and SMM, which are commonly used terms in our field. 


One term that you may have heard of before is SEO. SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results. SEO is a set of ongoing practices used for your medical website development and can essentially improve your chances of being found when patients are searching for your services. An SEO campaign aims to drive organic traffic to your website, rank higher than the competition, and convert new patients. 


SEM, also known as search engine marketing, is related to SEO because they both involve digital marketing outreach on search engines. While SEO usually refers to organic website optimization, SEM involves pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. With SEM, targeted advertisements are placed in a user’s search engine results, and your ads will only be visible to individuals that meet demographic and location criteria. 


SMM stands for social media marketing. SMM is a crucial part of a marketing strategy because it allows your practice to reach current and potential patients. Maintaining an active social media presence can help your practice establish trust and build your brand. 

Contact Us For Medical Website Development

It can be challenging to manage your social media and website on your own as a busy practice. Let our experts at Prescription PR help! Our experienced team can help plan and organize an effective social media and marketing strategy to draw potential patients to your business. We also offer medical website development to provide patients with quality information and keep them interested in your services. Contact our team to learn more! 


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