
How To Use Instagram Stories or Reels To Build Your Audience

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How To Use Instagram Stories or Reels To Build Your Audience

Coming up with new and innovative ways to market your practice plays an essential role in staying ahead of the competition. At Prescription PR, our team of experts always has a finger on the marketing landscape’s pulse. One Long Island social media marketing strategy we implore you to consider is using Instagram stories and reels to build your audience. To learn more about this and why Long Island social media marketing is crucial, please continue reading.

The Importance Of Instagram Stories and Reels

With over one billion active users worldwide, Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms. With so many people on it, you’ll undoubtedly miss out on potential patients if you don’t have a presence on this. However, merely making an account is not enough. Posting stories or Reels is an efficient and effective way to build your audience. The leading proponent of this is because stories can be shared by your followers, meaning that those unaware of your practice can still be exposed to your account.

Showcase Your Facility

Giving a virtual tour of your practice is a great way to get potential patients invested in your story. If you’ve recently purchased any state-of-the-art equipment for treatment, that would be an excellent thing to highlight in your story. However, even if you just show off a clean and pristine facility, it will have patients remembering your services when they need care. 

Put Up Polls

In the digital age of marketing, people love being able to engage with brands online. By putting up polls on your story, you allow potential patients to interact with your practice directly. Our team at Prescription PR can come up with the perfect questions that will keep viewers engaged, such as the below:

  • Are you interested in telemedicine services?
  • Have you ever received a particular type of treatment before?
  • Would you like to learn more about the services we offer?      

Other Ideas For Your Stories

One of the best parts of Long Island social media marketing is how creative you can get with it. When it comes to posting stories or reels to build your audience, there are so many options our team can help you choose. Some other ideas we can help with include:

  • Introducing your staff through video.
  • Promoting your blog or website.
  • Demonstrating the plethora of services offered at your facility.

Contact Our Team For Long Island Social Media Marketing

If you’re a novice at using Instagram, our team at Prescription PR will help. For more beneficial ideas for your Long Island social media marketing efforts, be sure to contact our team today!    

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Prescription PR
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Long Island Social Media Marketing

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