
How Can Your Practice Improve Its Email Communication During COVID-19

Healthcare marketing

How Can Your Practice Improve Its Email Communication During COVID-19

Staying connected with your patients during these trying times will play an important role in the success of your practice moving forward. While this can be difficult to do during the pandemic, spreading your message and staying engaged with your community is not impossible. At Prescription PR, we know the power email communication has when it comes to healthcare marketing. To learn how we’ll help you utilize this method effectively continue reading.


Tips On Staying Protected:

No matter what your medical specialty is, every patient you have needs to be concerned with COVID-19. With new information swirling around the internet, it can be hard to keep up with what is real, causing stress. One way you can utilize your email communication for good is to share ways they can protect themselves from the contagion. Doing so can foster feelings of trust and goodwill from all those on your email list, which plays a huge role in maintaining patients.  


Keep Patients Updates

Many practices have had to make changes to their normal operations due to the COVID-19 crisis. One of the best ways to let your patients know about changes to your hours or policies is through email. Showing that you are taking an active role in protecting your patients and staff through changes can give your patients confidence in visiting your facility both now and in the future.    


Don’t Overwhelm Anyone:

Although it is important to engage in emails and other healthcare marketing activities aimed at your audience, it is important not to overwhelm them. Many are likely dealing with copious amounts of stress, and constantly receiving emails from your practice will not help the situation. Over-emailing may result in your practice coming off as insensitive and causing harm to your patient numbers. At Prescription PR, our team can help you to toe the line between essential information and an abundance of over-communication.


Contact Us:

Knowing what to email and when to do so plays an important role in the success of your practice. As experts in the field of healthcare marketing, our team at Prescription PR will help enhance your email communication during the COVID-19 crisis. For more information, be sure to contact our team today.

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