
Newsletter Marketing

Newsletter Marketing

Newsletter Marketing is a tried and proven method of digital marketing. Emailing past and current patients with updates to your practice is a great way to keep them engaged and focused on your services. Sending out monthly or quarterly updates is the perfect way to increase traffic to your website!

Prescription PR can offer their expertise when drafting newsletters to be sent to past and future patients. Content placed in newsletters that we’ve found to be beneficial for practices include:

  • Information about expansive to the services your offer.
  • Tips for avoiding injuries during a particular season.
  • How your treatment methods will benefit your patients.

Building and managing relationships with patients is a crucial step to maintain success within your practice. Emailing past and current patients with updates to your practice is a great way to keep them engaged and focused on your work. Sending out monthly or quarterly updates is the perfect way to increase traffic to your website! It will show patients you care about providing quality information, improving the trust they have in your practice.

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