
Hashtags Can Help Your Digital Marketing Plan

A person holding a phone adorned with the words "prescription pr" as part of their digital marketing plan.

Hashtags Can Help Your Digital Marketing Plan

The word “hashtag” was only recently added to the dictionary yet it has played a major role in the digital world since the creation of the wildly popular social media outlets Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Hashtags are metadata that allow people to search and find related information on social networking sites. If you are on social media, odds are you encounter many hashtags everyday. This component of social media holds the power to drive traffic to a particular website just as search engine optimization, or SEO, helps to increase organic exposure in the search engine result pages (SERP’s).

The comparisons being made between search engine optimization and hashtag engine optimization have people excited about the digital marketing possibilities of hashtags. Hashtag engine optimization focuses on finding trending hashtags, creating relative content around them, using the hashtags effectively to get a wider exposure in social media channels and bringing heavy traffic into a website or landing page. HEO is still a very new marketing strategy, which means that your company can be a pioneer in this marketing concept.

Hashtag engine optimization has already been shown to generate more immediate results than other digital marketing strategies. If your company posts blogs or other important information to its website then you can guide traffic to that information through the use of hashtags on Twitter or Instagram.

While many experts agree that hashtag engine optimization has the potential to be a highly effective digital marketing strategy it is not the easiest tactic to implement. You must devote a lot of time to creating the right hashtags for your company. The most effective hashtags deal with the present and the popular and therefore can generate a high volume of interest rapidly. However, trending hashtags fade quickly so it is important to continually monitor your company’s hashtags in order to maximize HEO’s effectiveness.

Improving Your Social Media Prescence

If you are looking to maximize every social media post, Prescription PR can help create captivating social media content that users will engage with. We can help transform your social media presence to increase brand awareness and draw in new patients. Contact us today if you are interested in taking your social media posts to the next level!

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